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2024-07-25 10:21:50网球57348人已围观


It feels like Sheppard's range of draft outcomes is 最新quite narrow at this point. The Rockets have demonstrated serious interest in him at No. 3, with both the front office and ownership intrigued by his fit as a shooter and playmaker next to their established young talent.

Should Houston decide to trade back or go another direction, San Antonio is also quite intrigued with Sheppard and will be in position to pounce one pick later. He has also worked out for the Hawks (as a trade-back option) and Charlotte Hornets (who are also thought to be fans, and look like his backstop at No. 6), but the odds seem to be in favor of Sheppard relocating to Texas.


Houston has been testing the market for this pick, which holds trade value due in part to the thought that Clingan, who many teams view as a potential trade-up target, will be available if the first two picks go as currently expected. Regardless, Sheppard's shooting ability, intangibles and room for growth as a playmaker have put him in position to be the first guard off the board, completing his ascent from a November curiosity into a full-blown lottery talen


总而言之 ,火箭从老板到球迷就是模拟k体育官网官网非常对谢泼德感兴趣


It feels like Sheppard's range of draft outcomes is quite narrow at this point. The Rockets have demonstrated serious interest in him at No. 3, with both the front office and ownership intrigued by his fit as a shooter and playmaker next to their established young talent.

Should Houston decide to trade back or go another direction, San Antonio is also quite intrigued with Sheppard and will be in position to pounce one pick later. He has also worked out for the Hawks (as a trade-back option) and Charlotte Hornets (who are also thought to be fans, and look like his backstop at No. 6), but the odds seem to be in favor of Sheppard relocating to Texas.

Houston has been testing the market for this pick, which holds trade value due in part to the thought that Clingan, who many teams view as a potential trade-up target, will be available if the first two picks go as currently expected. Regardless, Sheppard's shooting ability, intangibles and room for growth as a playmaker have put him in position to be the first guard off the board, completing his ascent from a November curiosity into a full-blown lottery talen

总而言之 ,

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